Radikant B

Context works
Within the scope of AUAWIRLEBEN 2017 (Bern /Switzerland) and its partner festival “out+about,” the Swiss performance artist Martin Schick realized an exhibition with 10 works of (inter-)spatial practice within the context of Bümpliz-Bethlehem, now documented in the form of 2 interrelated books.
Title: RADIKANT b / This Book Is Great Too
Design: Captns & Partner (www.captns.ch)
Font: 'Unité' by Seeholzer & Wyss (HKB Bern Bümpliz)
Producer: Festival out+about, AUAWIRLEBEN and GENERAL PERFORMANCES
Pages: 400
The 10 projects, all from the artist’s repertoire, were reworked and adapted at the various locations in Bern's district VI with a variety of local actors, inspired by the surroundings. Irrespective of the intensity of their individual positions, a series of works emerged as a kind of art retrospective or “reprospective": 10 works of art based on the changing of place and time, each with potential for a lasting effectiveness and an open end.
The 10 artistic works can be described, experienced and/or remembered through three types of presentation: 1. as theatrical performance with all the project participants in front of an audience in the Bümpliz Sternensaal, 2. as an exhibition in Bern's Kunstraum MILIEU (reprospective) and 3. as a catalog (RADIKANT b), designed for the Binzgut library to be freely distributed in an edition of 300 copies.
The catalogue compares the original repertoire with the re-creations in Bümpliz-Bethlehem.