Children's Police
ZÜRICH (Winterakademie Theaterhaus Gessnerallee)
With sustainability as the subject of the Winter Academy Gessnerallee Zurich, a regulation body was established in order to guarantee sustainable living: the Children Police Zurich, also known as the “Gold Coast Guard”. And their legal basis was: “it is forbidden to have more than one really needs."
The young team underwent physical training for one week, prepared a new regulation, and a reasonable basic penalties law. Public intervention served to steadily scrutinize resources and became a real hazard to “unsustainable” passers-by as the children police designated specific penalties for the streets of Zurich and for the villas of the Gold Coast.
Martin Schick, in cooperation with Luise Alf and the children of Winterakademie Zürich
BÜMPLIZ-BETHLEHEM (Festival out+about, 2017)
We are looking for young policemen and policewomen in Bümpliz-Bethlehem (8-12 years)!
Why are there no children in the Federal Council? Why do old, gray-haired men determine our future considering that they will not have to inhabit that future? And why does the police defend this policy, which could be judged as punishable? Would you like to create laws and then defend them officially, in uniform? Would you like to come up with penalties and then hand them out to those people who do not respect your laws? Then you are the right person for the children police force. We need you for the creation of a police force that will defend your future.
Martin Schick, assisted by Lilian Gerber, in cooperation with Projekt Kidswest Bümpliz-Bethlehem, Guest: Marco Pfister (Greenpeace Switzerland)
January 2012
Winterakademie Gessnerallee
April 2017
Internationales Festival out+about