MARTIN SCHICK & a dancer from a so-called economically troubled country
Interactive performance about profitable philanthropy: Swiss cultural export and neo-colonialism put into dance practice.
As a result of the Swiss artists researches on post-capitalist practices, this funny and mind-triggering performance stages the profitable act of sharing, situated in the context of Cultural Neocolonialism. The criticism is addressed to himself and serves as starting point for a trial of escape by means of do-goodliness. With the help of a migrant dancing worker and the use of the entire production budget he involves the audience into a self-liberating charity event and manifests another concept of sharing.
Halfbreadtechnique was first introduced to the public at Julidans Amsterdam 2012 and is since then on tour all over the world to gain people's heart.. and money. A really unusual event, introspecting the specific situation and challenging the notion of dance, that potentially changes your evening programme to the full.
Duration: 50 minutes
Supported by Fondation Nestlé pour l’Art and Pro Helvetia Switzerland.
HALFBREADTECHNIQUE is part of LOW BUDGET SERIES, a collection of performances by the artist, all produced on low-budget conditions.The sale price for this performance is 'pay-as-much-as-you-want'.
(Esplanade Evening Programme)
How much do you need for your own prosperity? What if you give half of what you own to someone who needs it? We’ve heard of wealthy entrepreneurs practicing the “half-bread technique” giving away half of their wealth to charitable causes. Unlike these billionaires, Martin Schick is a humble independent performing artist from Europe. What can Schick give the audience through a dance performance?
In this funny and thought-provoking work, Schick invites a guest dancer from a so-called “economically troubled country” and audience members to participate and examine the relationship between do- goodliness, generosity, money and our personal needs. In a critical time when our global socio-economic situation calls for positive concepts of sharing and exchange, this witty and engaging performance offers you the opportunity to reconsider perspectives on sharing.
(Programme de la Sélection suisse en Festival d'Avignon)
Petite leçon de générosité appliquée. Et si l’on pouvait toujours donner la moitié de nos biens à quelqu’un qui en a plus besoin ? Voilà résumée la « technique du demi-pain ». Le performeur Martin Schick est l’un de ses fervents défenseurs. Avec (im)pertinence, il l’applique à la lettre. Ou plutôt à la scène.
Premiered 2012
Presented at:
Danish National Art School Copenhaguen
Dance Festival Riga
Tanztheater International Hannover
Tanzquartier Wien
Culturescapes 2013
GanzNewFestival Zagreb
Bitef Theatre Belgrade
Lokomotiva Skopje
POP art Johannesburg
LAND Live Art Festival Capetown
Tanzwerkstatt Europa München
FIND Festival Nuova Danza Cagliari
PSA Power Station Of Art Shanghai
Hongkong Arts Center
Staatstheater Mainz
Internationales Kultursymposium Goethe Institut Weimar
Festival Cialo/Umysl Warsaw
Esplanade Dan:s Festival Singapore
Sélection Suisse/ Festival d’Avignon
NAO Performing Art Festival Milano

VIDEO: > www.vimeo.com/203699575 (Ask for password)