MARTIN SCHICK in cooperation with Tina Odermatt
A neighbourhood project, softening the lines between public and private space: After building a flag chain of 1 km length with the helping hands of neighbours, this garland is then drawn through streets, shops and mostly apartments. Finally, a guided walk for an audience is organized along the flag chain.
„Good afternoon! Would it be possible to hang our flag chain through your apartment?“ Fanions! Or Fähndle! (depending on local language) is a call to a whole neighborhood to open their doors and help to confuse the boundaries between public and private space. Martin Schick and Tina Odermatt build a garland made of locally collected old clothes, bags, tablecloths and bedclothes together with engaged residents of a neighborhood or a residential district. The garland is then pulled through the apartments, entering through the front, going out at the back ... crisscrossed through the neighborhood. The breaking down of the boundaries of private space creates quiet and also noisy connections with and between the inhabitants of the neighborhood. After the completion of the kilometer, an interested audience is finally invited to follow the route as a 'guided walk', including climbing partitions and lots of stairs, in the hope that some doors will open...
Festival Bourg-en-scène:
1 neighbourhood
1 km of garland
3h public walk
40 people
several bottles of white wine
1 favorite song
1 photo album
2 people in a bathtub
6 cleaned windows
2 sausages
1 guy on the toilet
1 old lady from the window throwing bonbons
1 dress of a fashion shop and 2 CD's of a local musician as a present
and a lot of good vibes
1.9 - 5.9 2016
Festival Bourg-en-scène
1.5 - 6.5 2017
Internationales Festival out+about